Friday, February 29, 2008

Daddy's First Baby Shower

A special thanks again to Jane and Mindy for throwing us a couples shower, and to all those who attended. We can't wait to have the girls try out all their new gear as soon as daddy figures out what it is and how to use it : )

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

New Ultrasound and Belly Pics at 32 weeks

Here are some more fuzzy pics of the babies. The top of Baby A's head is to the right of the frame, and the top of Baby B's head is to the left of the frame. Hopefully their faces are more well defined when they are actually born :) The Doctor said that based on the ultra sound measurements, which aren't exact, one weighs approximately 3 lbs. 12 oz, and the other weighs approximately 4 lbs. 12oz, and that I am measuring full term if I were only carrying one. However, they want me to make it to at least March 20th, which would be 36 weeks (average for twins).

Baby A

Baby B

And here is a pic of the babes from the outside at 32 weeks