Saturday, April 26, 2008

Can you believe we're already 5 weeks old?!?

We apologize for the lack of pictures over the past few weeks. Mommy has been taking care of us by herself more frequently lately, and when she does have help, she's been trying to take us out and about. We've been to 2 elementary schools to visit Grandpa at Denmark, and Daddy at Lincoln, we have experienced a couple of Fort Madison's restaurants (The Ivy, and Amigos), and have gone on a couple more stroller rides at Old Settlers, Central, Rodeo Park, and Grandma and Grandpa Carr's house. We went to Great Uncle Charlie and Great Aunt Becky's house and got to see Great Uncle Carl and Great Aunt Sue, Great Papa Dick and our cousin Katherine. Grandma and Grandpa Carr's friend Anne came to visit us, and we attended our first "PE Meeting," and got to play with Lexi, Alyse, Cooper, and Emma (Daddy's PE Teacher friends' kids).

Great Grandma Jennings, Beans, and us

Snoozin' in our boppies

Addison, where did your hand go?

Avery, guess what. Mommy just changed me and I already wet my diaper again!

That's nothin' Addison. Not only is mine wet again, but I think the poo has made its way onto my jammies and is soaking into mommy and daddy's sheets as we speak! :)

There's that flashing light again.

Beans snuggling with Addison

Playing with our floor gym.

Beans trying to sneak a kiss

Addison in her tubby....

...and drying off afterward

On the couch with Grandma and Grandpa Rump when Grandma and Grandpa Carr's friend Anne came to visit

Grandma Patti snoozing with Addison

Mommy! Enough with the pictures already!

Mommy and Daddy and us

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Two Weeks Old

We're two weeks old!


Beans has gotten really good at getting as close as he possibly can to us, without actually touching us. But he does sneak an occasional kiss on our hands or feet.

Practicing cheerleading moves in our sleep. "High V!" "Low V!"

Cheerleading is exhausting.

We're growing girls : ) We went to our two week doctor's appointment yesterday and we are both about 4 oz over our birth weight and have each grown an inch!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Random Pics

Chillin' on the bed

Beaner Wiener, making sure Avery is ok in her car seat

Grandma Rump and Wilda Lampe (Nick's Mommy/Shannon's Mommy-in-law) holding us

Avery on Auntie Shella's scale that she used to use to weigh Emma, and that Auntie Lizabeth used to weigh Mia

Addison trying out her swing

That's my hat!

"Hey Avery, I think you're wearing my hat."
"No, this is my hat. Mommy put it on me."

"No, I'm pretty sure that's my hat."
"And I'm telling you that it's mine, and mommy wouldn't put it on me if it wasn't"


3 Days of Fun with Little Miss Mia

After the weekend, Brent had to go back to work at Children's Mercy, cause lots of little boys and girls needed him to fix their broken bones, but at least his Alma Mater won the NCAA Championship! Rock Chalk Jay Hawk! However, Auntie Lizabeth and Mia got to stay a few extra days to help mommy keep her sanity. It was a true blessing to have them, since mommy and daddy had had a couple of rough evenings (Apparently figuring out how to feed two babies and still getting enough sleep to be coherent, can be a lot to manage at times). Though we think we have things figured out....for the moment. Here are a few pictures of us and Mia hanging out in Mommy and Daddy's room (and our room for the time being), which has been transformed into a Baby Mecca/Rain Forrest.

We were all sleeping before these photos were taken, but only Mia stayed asleep

Mia broke in our jumperoo that we got from Grandma Rump, since we don't have head control yet. So we hung out in our rain forrest bouncers. Unfortunately, Mia's little legs couldn't quite reach the ground so we had to improvise by using a piece of literature to uplift her both spiritually and literally : )

Our first stroller ride

Last Saturday we got to go on our first stroller ride and were fortunate enough to be joined by our bestest friend Mia and her mommy and daddy (Liz and Brent). Beans was also able to come with us. It was a short walk from our house to Holy Trinity High School, cause mommy couldn't go very far yet, but it was definitely eventful.

Here's Daddy, Beans and us before departure

Brent, Mommy and us

Mommy, Lizabeth and us

Mommy, Liz and us (From the back side)

An old green truck passed us as we were walking down Ave. A, and proceeded to go in reverse and back up to talk to us. We thought it might be a stalker, but it was just Great Uncle Charlie, coming back to say hello. Unfortunately, when uncle Charlie got ready to leave, his truck wouldn't start so Daddy and Brent tried to help. Great Papa Dick ended up coming to pick him up.

We ran into our friends Mio and Oliver out on a bike ride, and daddy and Brent had to try out Oliver's nifty sidecar contraption. Hopefully some day we can each have one of our own : )

More Birthday Pics

Here are some more pictures from our birthday, which was two weeks ago already!!! We had our two week Dr. Appointment today, and we are both over our birth weight now and have each grown an inch : ) Addison 6 lbs. 5.4 oz; Avery 5 lbs. 11 oz

Dr. Round Daddy with Mommy after her surgery

Dr. Round Daddy, Mommy and us

Mommy and Addison

Mommy, Daddy and us

Mommy and Daddy (after he had a chance to shave and shower since he didn't get a chance to, because we gave him an unexpected 2:45 AM wake up call.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


For those of you that don't know me, my name is Beans, and for months now mommy and daddy have been talking about things called babies. Well on March 28th, 2008 mommy and daddy left the house in a hurry at 2:45 in the morning and I knew something was up. They told me that the following pictures show what transpired over the next few days while I was at my Grandma and Grandpa Carr's. All I know is, when they came home, they brought an Avery thing and an Addison thing with them, who I am told are my new sisters....

Addison and Avery: Born Friday, March 28th, 2008

Addison Rose Rump: Born 4:54 AM weighing 6 lbs. 2 oz.

Avery Dane Rump: Born 4:56 AM weighing 5 lbs. 7 oz.




Mommy, Addison and Avery

Daddy, Addison and Avery

Uncle Dane, Addison and Mommy

Uncle Ryan and Avery

Papa Rich and Avery

Grandma Rump and Addison with Grandma Patti and Avery

Mommy and Avery with Daddy and Addison getting ready to go home

Grandpa Carr and Addision

Papa Rich and Addison with Grandma Rump and Avery




Avery and Addison

Addison and Avery in bed at home