Saturday, April 26, 2008

Can you believe we're already 5 weeks old?!?

We apologize for the lack of pictures over the past few weeks. Mommy has been taking care of us by herself more frequently lately, and when she does have help, she's been trying to take us out and about. We've been to 2 elementary schools to visit Grandpa at Denmark, and Daddy at Lincoln, we have experienced a couple of Fort Madison's restaurants (The Ivy, and Amigos), and have gone on a couple more stroller rides at Old Settlers, Central, Rodeo Park, and Grandma and Grandpa Carr's house. We went to Great Uncle Charlie and Great Aunt Becky's house and got to see Great Uncle Carl and Great Aunt Sue, Great Papa Dick and our cousin Katherine. Grandma and Grandpa Carr's friend Anne came to visit us, and we attended our first "PE Meeting," and got to play with Lexi, Alyse, Cooper, and Emma (Daddy's PE Teacher friends' kids).

Great Grandma Jennings, Beans, and us

Snoozin' in our boppies

Addison, where did your hand go?

Avery, guess what. Mommy just changed me and I already wet my diaper again!

That's nothin' Addison. Not only is mine wet again, but I think the poo has made its way onto my jammies and is soaking into mommy and daddy's sheets as we speak! :)

There's that flashing light again.

Beans snuggling with Addison

Playing with our floor gym.

Beans trying to sneak a kiss

Addison in her tubby....

...and drying off afterward

On the couch with Grandma and Grandpa Rump when Grandma and Grandpa Carr's friend Anne came to visit

Grandma Patti snoozing with Addison

Mommy! Enough with the pictures already!

Mommy and Daddy and us

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